All About We
Phase V Foxtrot/Jive. Choreographed and Danced by Chuck & Sandi. Showcased at USA West, Longview, WA, August 2011. Cue Sheet available on Choreography Tab.
Video courtesy of Steve Murphy.
Chuck Sandi Weiss - All About We V.1.wm[...]
Windows Media video format [33.3 MB]
Belle Starr
Phase IV Cha. Choreographed and showcased by Chuck & Sandi. Showcased at the USA West in Boise, August, 2013. Cue Sheet available on Choreography Tab.
Video courtesy of Leslie Dodge
Belle Starr - IV - Cha.wmv
Windows Media video format [30.9 MB]
Do The Cha Cha Cha
Phase II + 2 Two Step/Five Count. Choreographed by Chuck & Sandi. Showcased at the Oregon Mid-Winter Festival, Jan 2013. Cue sheet available on Choreography Tab. Video courtesy of Steve Murphy
Chuck Sandi Weiss - Do The Cha Cha Cha [...]
Windows Media video format [37.3 MB]
It Only Took A Kiss
Phase V + 1 Foxtrot/Jive. Choreographed and showcased by Chuck & Sandi. Showcased at USA West, Boise, August 2013. Cue Sheet available on Choreography Tab. Video courtesy of Leslie Dodge.
It Only Took A Kiss - FTJV - PH V+1.wmv
Windows Media video format [49.1 MB]
They All Laughed
Phase V + 1 Foxtrot/Jive. Choreographed and showcased by Chuck & Sandi. Showcased at the NSDC in Spokane, June, 2012. Cue Sheet available on Choreography Tab.
Video courtesy of Steve Murphy
Chuck Sandi Weiss - They All Laughed V.[...]
Windows Media video format [39.2 MB]
Hushabye Mountain
Phase V+ 2 Waltz by Susie & Gert-Jan Rotscheid
Hushabye Mountain (WZ 5+2).mp4
MP4 video/audio file [37.7 MB]
Cued MP3 version
Hushabye Mountain - Mix.mp3
MP3 audio file [3.3 MB]

They All Laughted   <<Click Here to View>>

Phase V + 1 Foxtrot/Jive. Choreographed and showcased by Chuck & Sandi. Showcased at the NSDC in Spokane, June, 2012. Cue Sheet available on Choreography Tab.  Video courtsey of Steve Murphy


Phase IV + 2 + 2 Jive
Completely (Schmidt).mp4
MP4 video/audio file [78.5 MB]
Cued Version
Completely Mix.mp3
MP3 audio file [6.2 MB]